The target origin provided does not match the recipient window's origin (Iframe integration)

Hi all, having some issues setting up iframe integration :frowning:

My Rocketchat is hosted at

My web app (where the iframe is) is hosted at

I’ve been able to register the user fine on the back, returning an authToken when they login. When I try the to post the authLogin back to the iframe from within my ReactJS application…

<iframe src="" onLoad={() => this.login()} />


		event: 'login-with-token',
		loginToken: authToken
	}, '');

… I get the following error however:

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('') does not match the recipient window's origin ('').

Any ideas?

p.s. Ive enabled iframe integration in the settings as well as enabled CORS.

To see if this works at all, see what happens if you change ‘’ with ‘*’ If that works then you have a cross domain issue. Remember that the domain you specify has to perfectly and exactly match.

Hi, if change it to ‘*’. i resent, i see no request sent from my browser.

Hi Phil. I am facing the same problema with my react app. Did you get it working?