Is it possible to define default settings to be applied to RocketChat at installation time (when the database is created)? The main reason is that I want to set FileSystem as the Storage by default whenever I spin a new Rocketchat server, instead of GridFS.
The main reason for that, among others, is that I can change from FileSystem to S3 if I ever need space in a very easy and practical way (just syncing the local folder with S3, and changing the setting), while with GridFS I don’t even know how, and even if I knew it would probably be a pain.
I would prefer the FileSystem as a default so that there would not be a risk that I forget in future installations to change manually the Storage option.
Additionally, I would like to setup the Hubot user during (or right after) installation, instead of adding it manually later, and having to spin up hubot only after that.
Thanks in advance.