Npm install of JavaScript SDK fails

Using npm in version6.0.0, when trying to install Rocketchat JS SDK I have this error:

npm install --save
updated 1 package in 3.149s
[!] 40 vulnerabilities found [534 packages audited]
    Severity: 22 low | 4 moderate | 14 high
    Run `npm audit` for more detail

After running npm audit and update the suggested packages still having this problem:

> node ./bin/install.js

setting up Git hooks

> node postinstall

added 663 packages from 1196 contributors in 7.71s
[!] 2 vulnerabilities found [3025 packages audited]
    Severity: 2 low
    Run `npm audit` for more detail

So the solution was just to downgrade the npm version to 5.6.0 and everything works fine. This link have an explanation.

Is that actually an error? I’ve seen those but things have installed and worked fine anyways. I think its just one of those things you ignore unless its actually not working after showing that message.