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I upgraded to 5.0.3 MongoDB. The performance have improved a little bit, but nothing compared to when we were using MMAP. Anyone else experiencing the same issue?
We have about 100 users in here now. The one that seems to come up the most in the logs is the “too many request” error. Is there a way to increase this or by pass?
and to what our deployment specialists have answered, wiredTiger has indeed some different memory strategy from mmap:
" a server running both wired tiger Mongo and RC on the same VPS or machine with limited memory will see drastic deterioration of performance because RC will now be severely constrained."
I’ve certainly tried to keep up with the resources and compensated with 2vCPU and 4GB RAM (AWS T3.Medium); however, the performance issue is still there despite of only using just about 15% of the resources.
Out of curiosity, is there a safe way to migrate back from MongoDB 5.0 wiredTiger to MongoDB 4.0 MMAP? I assume its a sequential downgrade for mongo, then migrate to MMAP once I downgrade to 4.0.
One thing I would try first is to limit the resources for the container. Downgrading MongoDB is a solution for now, but it will certainly bite you at the newer future.
here is how you can specify docker resources for containers:
Downgrading MongoDB didn’t end well. I got as far as 4.2 wiredTriger. The performance is much worse at that version. The 5.0.3 seems to be the sweet spot at the moment.
I tried limiting resources but it looks like it have some compatibility issue with “deploy” tag. That or I have to build a “swarm”, of which at the moment beyond my current knowledge.