Link hashtag comments to URL (redmine)

Hi everyone,

we are using RocketChat for a while and really happy. For optimizing our workflow, we want to integrate everything together. We are using redmine as our project management tool and create issues for our workload. Now I wanted to link issue numbers to redmine.

I post a comment to a collegue like “Look at this ticket #322”. Rocketchat should create a hyperlink on “#322”, that opens our redmine with this issue “https://url/issues/322”.

Can you give me a hint, how to achieve this behaviour?

Thanks very much,

I think ive seen integrations that have done this.

A Rocket.Chat App might would work for this.

Hi aaron.ogle,

thanks for you supply. But it is not an interaction, it should show me a hyperlink instead of a color. Per default, If I send a message with “#333”, RocketChat shows me the color of this hexcode instead of a static clickable URL. When I type something with regex beginning with “#” and numbers after it, RocketChat should underline this and forward me on click to “http://redmineurl/issues/[regexwith#]”.

Do I have to use Rocket.Chat.Apps-cli in this case or is there a easier way?

Thanks very much

Basically you would write an app probably using the premessage send modify. Which would let you see that text and then replace as you want

hmm okay. If there is no other way, I will have a look at it. Thanks very much.

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We have just developed the integration with rocketchet and easyredmine.