we are using RocketChat for a while and really happy. For optimizing our workflow, we want to integrate everything together. We are using redmine as our project management tool and create issues for our workload. Now I wanted to link issue numbers to redmine.
I post a comment to a collegue like “Look at this ticket #322”. Rocketchat should create a hyperlink on “#322”, that opens our redmine with this issue “https://url/issues/322”.
Can you give me a hint, how to achieve this behaviour?
thanks for you supply. But it is not an interaction, it should show me a hyperlink instead of a color. Per default, If I send a message with “#333”, RocketChat shows me the color of this hexcode instead of a static clickable URL. When I type something with regex beginning with “#” and numbers after it, RocketChat should underline this and forward me on click to “http://redmineurl/issues/[regexwith#]”.
Do I have to use Rocket.Chat.Apps-cli in this case or is there a easier way?