Docker Container for Raspberry Pi 4

Has anyone found a Docker Container that is compatible with the Raspberry Pi 4? Or a Raspberry Pi 4 Docker Swarm.

Totally. Both! Please see this up-to-date repository for some ideas …

When I ran the docker file, I got the dreaded:

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"

I’m not sure what image it pulled to cause that error.

Here is the full output:

pi@docker-master:~/dockerfiles $ docker build -t rocketchat rc

Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.096kB

Step 1/24 : FROM arm64v8/node:8.15-stretch as builder

8.15-stretch: Pulling from arm64v8/node

5385e634d2a1: Pull complete

6696bae2f570: Pull complete

6dca82770cb3: Pull complete

d95e88827e80: Pull complete

6f7b6531f1d8: Pull complete

8ca96e14ebcf: Pull complete

fb4b26362d76: Pull complete

dd914fbcdb57: Pull complete

Digest: sha256:47176f64002fb119f51372ef928008a8bddc83d0cd6627275e0295eb84b76444

Status: Downloaded newer image for arm64v8/node:8.15-stretch

---> ebc0fd89a035

Step 2/24 : MAINTAINER

---> Running in d23f2208dafe

Removing intermediate container d23f2208dafe

---> 230c70d40bc7

Step 3/24 : RUN groupadd -r rocketchat && useradd -r -g rocketchat rocketchat && mkdir -p /app/uploads && chown rocketchat.rocketchat /app/uploads && echo "disable-ipv6" >> ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf

---> Running in 00ee15edfa60

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"

The command '/bin/sh -c groupadd -r rocketchat && useradd -r -g rocketchat rocketchat && mkdir -p /app/uploads && chown rocketchat.rocketchat /app/uploads && echo "disable-ipv6" >> ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf' returned a non-zero code: 1
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Are you building using the OS from --> the arm64 18.04lts for pi4 image on this page?