Hello, I want to change the appearance of the chat so that role badges have a different color than the default boring white.
I got it to work with my name using Data-Username="NAME_HERE"
but I can not find a way to change the role tags, I tried rcx-tag, rcx-tag__inner but I can for the love of Dodos not change the style for that <span class="rcx-tag__inner">ROLE_NAME_HERE</span>
Can anyone that is better into CSS than me help out how I can select that class with a specific data (like “Admin” role) using CSS?
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 6.4.5
- Operating System: Linux
- Deployment Method: docker
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- NodeJS Version: 14.21.2
- MongoDB Version: 5.0.15
- Proxy: nginx
- Firewalls involved: iptables