December 5, 2024, 10:37am
Following this guide here: https://docs.rocket.chat/docs/deploy-with-docker-docker-compose
And this one: https://docs.rocket.chat/v1/docs/mongodb-uri-authentication
I can’t for the life of me set a password protected connection to mongodb. I know it runs in a container but still, not using a password doesn’t sound right.
This is what I’ve tried so far:
In my .env file, I added these lines;
In my compose.yml file, I made these changes:
Using this configuration this is the error I get:
rocketchat-1 | MongoTopologyClosedError: Topology is closed
rocketchat-1 | at /app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-mongo/node_modules/mongodb/src/sdam/topology.ts:515:42
rocketchat-1 | at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
rocketchat-1 | [Symbol(errorLabels)]: Set(0) {}
rocketchat-1 | }
rocketchat-1 | MongoServerSelectionError: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN mongodb
rocketchat-1 | at Timeout._onTimeout (/app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-mongo/node_modules/mongodb/src/sdam/topology.ts:591:30)
rocketchat-1 | at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:581:17)
rocketchat-1 | at processTimers (node:internal/timers:519:7) {
rocketchat-1 | reason: TopologyDescription {
rocketchat-1 | type: 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary',
rocketchat-1 | servers: Map(1) { 'mongodb:27017' => [ServerDescription] },
rocketchat-1 | stale: false,
rocketchat-1 | compatible: true,
rocketchat-1 | heartbeatFrequencyMS: 10000,
rocketchat-1 | localThresholdMS: 15,
rocketchat-1 | setName: 'rs0',
rocketchat-1 | maxElectionId: null,
rocketchat-1 | maxSetVersion: null,
rocketchat-1 | commonWireVersion: 0,
rocketchat-1 | logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: null
rocketchat-1 | },
rocketchat-1 | code: undefined,
rocketchat-1 | [Symbol(errorLabels)]: Set(0) {}
rocketchat-1 | }
rocketchat-1 |
rocketchat-1 | packages/core-runtime.js:189
rocketchat-1 | throw error;
rocketchat-1 | ^
rocketchat-1 | errorClass [Error]: [An error occurred when creating an index for collection "users: Topology is closed]
rocketchat-1 | at Collection.createIndexAsync (packages/mongo/collection.js:1140:15)
rocketchat-1 | at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
rocketchat-1 | at module.wrapAsync.self (packages/accounts-password/password_server.js:1107:1) {
rocketchat-1 | isClientSafe: true,
rocketchat-1 | error: 'An error occurred when creating an index for collection "users: Topology is closed',
rocketchat-1 | reason: undefined,
rocketchat-1 | details: undefined,
rocketchat-1 | errorType: 'Meteor.Error'
rocketchat-1 | }
rocketchat-1 |
rocketchat-1 | Node.js v20.17.0
December 6, 2024, 11:17am
Can you access the mongo in the container from outside?
If not then it’s less of an issue.
AFAIA the this is a mongo issue rather than a Rocket.Chat one.
You probably need to create the user/password in the correct collection in mongo DB
authentication, mongodb
Once you get it right and have checked the collection etc you can set up Rocket to use it.
Note a search here provided:
in an effort to make my Rocket.Chat Server more secure, I’d like to enable MongoDB Database Authentication. To achieve that, I changed the /etc/mongod.conf and added
authorization: "enabled"
Then I changed my databases accordingly:
use admin
show users
"_id" : "admin.rocketchat",
"userId" : UUID("a95a7601-493d-4632-8ae5-bbe0358a1381"),
"user" : "rocketchat",
"db" : "admin",
Which linked to this which probably provides your answer:
opened 08:35PM - 13 Nov 17 UTC
closed 09:56AM - 01 Dec 18 UTC
### Description:
I am trying to setup authentication on the mongodb server.
I am having a issue very similar to https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Docs/issues/210 but I am not using the snap.
#### Rocket.Chat environment config:
MONGO_URL="mongodb://rocketchat:password@SERVER:27017/rocketchat" ROOT_URL=SERVER:3001/rocketchat/ PORT=3001
#### Attempted config changes
I have tried a couple permutations of roles for the mongo user `rocketchat`.
1. Creating an identical user on both admin and rocketchat databases each with role `root` on database `admin`.
2. I have tried the roles described here https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Docs/issues/69
3. I have tried just a single user on database `rocketchat` with role `dbOwner`.
Every combination results in the same error in the rocketchat log.
I can login with the rocketchat user via `mongo` command line and run `db.users.getIndexes()` while using database `rocketchat`.
Any help is appreciated.
### Server Setup Information:
* Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 0.58.4
* Operating System: CentOS 7
* Deployment Method(snap/docker/tar/etc): manual install ( see https://docs.rocket.chat/installation/manual-installation/centos/ which now appears to be gone...)
* Number of Running Instances: 1
* DB Replicaset Oplog: N/A
* Node Version: v4.8.4
### Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a user in mongodb with the appropriate roles (according to https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Docs/issues/69)
2. Enable authentication on mongo
3. Setup the MONGO_URL connection string with the new user name and password (can be found here as well https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Docs/issues/69)
4. Start rocket chat.
5. The `MongoError: not authorized on rocketchat to execute command { listIndexes: "users", cursor: {} }` should appear in the logs.
### Expected behavior:
Rocket.Chat to successfully start up
### Actual behavior:
Rocket chat crashes with the below error in the log.
### Relevant logs:
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: MongoError: not authorized on rocketchat to execute command { listIndexes: "users", cursor: {} }
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at Object.Future.wait (/software/rocket.chat/0.58.4-linux-x64/programs/server/node_modules/fibers/future.js:449:15)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at [object Object].MongoConnection._ensureIndex (packages/mongo/mongo_driver.js:796:10)
Nov 13 14:02:53 server rocketchat: at [object Object].Mongo.Collection._ensureIndex (packages/mongo/collection.js:646:20)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at setupUsersCollection (packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:1490:9)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at new AccountsServer (packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:51:5)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at meteorInstall.node_modules.meteor.accounts-base.server_main.js (packages/accounts-base/server_main.js:9:12)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:333:9)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at require (packages/modules-runtime.js:228:16)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at /software/rocket.chat/0.58.4-linux-x64/programs/server/packages/accounts-base.js:2048:15
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at /software/rocket.chat/0.58.4-linux-x64/programs/server/packages/accounts-base.js:2059:3
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: - - - - -
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at Function.MongoError.create (/software/rocket.chat/0.58.4-linux-x64/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-mongo/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/error.js:31:11)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at queryCallback (/software/rocket.chat/0.58.4-linux-x64/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-mongo/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/cursor.js:212:36)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at /software/rocket.chat/0.58.4-linux-x64/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-mongo/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:469:18
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:489:9)
Nov 13 14:02:53 SERVER rocketchat: at process._tickCallback (node.js:418:13)
Note - I didn’t know the answer. I just spent some time searching and reading. It is how you can solve most issues…
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